THI Japan-Logistics Concierge



Why THI?


Because we want customers to achieve true peace of mind …

One-stop support with personnel assigned to each customer

*We do not divide the contact point or the department in charge by area, transportation route, or mode.

THI Japan will assign personnel specifically to each customer, and there is no change in the personnel
or department responsible according to air, ocean, region, or transportation mode. We offer true one-stop export
and import support to ensure quick responses and reliability.

輸入部門・輸出部門の航空輸送・海上輸送・倉庫配送 一顧客一担当者のイメージ

Proposing tailor-made
transport plans

By taking advantage of our one-stop service, THI Japan offers the best plan from among tailor-made transportation modes and routes according to the customer's request and budget.

Tailored Logistics Solution

Our flexible response
to unforeseen circumstances

In transport (import/export), unforeseen circumstances often arise, such as changes in the situation overseas, that can then force sudden changes in the transportation mode or route.
Our personnel, who know customers best through daily correspondence, will quickly and flexibly suggest the best solution to meet customer needs.

Emergency Situation Support

Our one-stop support service includes customs clearance procedures and local transport

In international transport, customs clearance procedures and local collection and delivery are required. By centralizing work instructions, we provide invisible cost savings for customers' business management.

Domestic logistics service in Japan

Eliminating physical distance through the development and use of IT

Because remote operations are becoming more common, we take advantage of the current situation in the logistics industry, where the physical distance between customers and the many other parties involved, including customs, is rapidly becoming closer. We also make effective use of IT in business throughout Japan.


Reforming workstyles through telecommuting

From the perspective of diverse workstyles and BCP, we are building a telecommuting system with a variety of different tools. By doing this, we are reforming work styles and promoting new employment opportunities.


Spreading the global network and bases

We have a global network of bases in Taiwan, China, Asia, North America, and many other locations.

THI(T3ex) Global Network

THI Japan is always considering ways to respond
to customers from their perspective to ensure safety and security.


To reach us by phone
